This is a 1945 children's poem by one of the greatest Polish poets, Jan Brzechwa. I don't know if it has ever been officially translated into English, but here is Google’s version.

On the Islands of Bergamut, they say,
There's a cat wearing boots, they say.
A donkey was seen, it's true,
Carried by an ant, that's new!
A self-playing hen lays golden eggs,
On oaks, apples wear ermine caps.
An old whale wears glasses, it's plain,
And learned salmon swim in tomato sauce.
Trained rats on a glass mountain's peak,
An elephant with two trumpets, they speak.
And yet... these islands don't exist, it's a fact.

I have wanted to illustrate this for quite a long time now, and finally, it happened. It turned out much more mature than it was considered years ago, but it never seemed very childish to me.
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